As Instructor:

100-Level Courses
Critical Thinking

Knowledge and Reality
Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy

200-Level Courses:
Minds and Machines
Faith and Reason
Ethical Problems and Public Issues
*Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Issues
*Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions

300-Level Courses:
Philosophy of Mind

400-Level Courses:
Philosophy of Sex and Gender
**Ethics in Applied Psychology

*Course offered through the Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern as one of three core courses for Northwestern’s Undergraduate Certificate in Sustainability and Energy.
**Course offered in the Psychology department

Email me for syllabi.

As Teaching Assistant:

Bioethics, Northwestern University, 2017 (x2), 2016 (x2), 2014.
Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions, Northwestern University, 2015.
Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Northwestern University, 2015 (x2), 2014 (x2).
Introduction to Philosophy of Art, Northwestern University, 2013.
Philosophy of Human Sexuality, University of Toronto, 2011.
Introduction to Philosophy, University of Toronto, 2011, 2010.