Under Review:

Paper 1

Paper 2

A paper on representationalism about emotional experience.

A paper on perceptualism about emotional experience.

In Later Stages of Progress:

The Construction of a Practical Orientation

An Analysis of Conscious Recalcitrant Emotions

Thesis: Emotions construct practical orientations by organizing patterns of perception, cognition, and behavioral preparation around relational goals.

Thesis: Instances of conflict between conscious emotions and conscious judgments are instances of tension between a judgment about the way the world is and a practical orientation .

In Earlier Stages of Progress:

Emotional Experiences are Aspatial

The Opacity of Emotional Experience

Thesis: Emotional experiences do not represent spatial properties within, on, or external to the body.

Thesis: We come to know what our emotions are ‘about’ or ‘directed at’ only through inference, and this observation motivates a novel account of the standards of appropriateness for emotions.